A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Weather to Live

A pun on both "Where to live (for nice weather)" and "Whether to live" (hehe.)
It's a nifty search engine to find coordinates on the globe with your preferred weather.

Since it depends on huge amounts of external data (potentially in the terabytes), it necessarily had to be made as an offline tool.

In order to release it for the olc::CodeJam 2022, I had to leave out some functions. The "Load", "Save (as)" and "Fast previewing" are non-functional, and there's no multi-threaded calculation. (The latter two turned out to be less of an issue than I imagined, and on my PC it runs fine (with some slight slowdowns on the largest of the climate data sets))

The bottom panel shows individual weather parameters, each with a min and max. Changing the min and max changes the range of that climate element that you consider pleasant. The filters are combined to find the coordinates that match all of the filters. Coordinates that were filtered out are blacked out in the main viewer. Each month is filtered individually, unless the 'Filter entire year' checkbox is checked.

The main viewer can be zoomed and dragged like a Maps app. The colors are from the last touched parameter.

Open source:


weather-to-live.zip 2 MB

Install instructions

  • Install Java (version 11 or newer)
  • Unzip the file into a directory
  • Execute weather-to-live.jar, start.cmd, or start.sh by double-clicking or from a terminal. The latter two claim 19GB of free memory and fail when that's not available. The former will fail when trying to load the largest data sets.


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IF it doesn't start with the start.* files, it may be that you don't have enough free memory. You can try double-clicking on the weather-to-live.jar file to start with the default amount of memory, but you won't be able to use the largest datasets.